Ibn Abi Dunya cited in the book of al-Mujabm fi al-dna’ [23]: on the authority of al-Hassan al-Basri who said:
“There was a man from the Companions of the Prophet who was known as Abu Mi’laq who was a merchant who would trade using his own wealth and the wealth of others for their gain.
He would travel to distant horizons, and he was an avid worshipper and a pious person. On one occasion, he went on a journey and came into contact with a thief who was draped in weaponry.
The thief said to him, ‘Give me what you have, for I will kill you.’
He replied, ‘What do you want with my blood? Your desire is to have my wealth.’
The thief said, ‘As for your wealth, then it is mine, and I still want to spill your blood.’
He said, ‘In which case, I refuse to hand it to you, but allow me to pray four units of prayer first.’
The thief replied, ‘As you wish.’
So he performed ablution and prayed four units. Part of his supplication in the final prostration was:
يَا وَدُودُ، يَا ذَا الْعَرْشِ الْمَجِيدِ، يَا فَعَّالا لَمَّا يُرِيدُ، أَسْأَلُكُ بِعِزِّكَ الَّذِي لَا يُرَامُ، وَمُلْكِكَ الَّذِي لَا يُضَامُ، وَبِنُورِكَ الَّذِي مَلَأَ أَرْكَانَ عَرْشِكَ، أَنْ تَكْفِيَنِي شَرَّ هَذَا اللِّصِّ، يَا مُغِيثُ أَغِثْنِي، يَا مُغِيثُ أَغِثْنِي- ثلاث مرات
[Ya Wadudu, Ya Dhal ‘Arshil Majid, Ya Fa’alal lima yurid, as-aluka bi ‘Izzikal ladhi la yuramu wa mulkikal ladhi la yudamu wa bi nurikal ladhi mala-a arkana ‘arshika an takfiyani sharra hadhal lissi, ya Mughithu aghithni ya Mughitu agithni [ya Mughitu agithni]
“O ’ Wadud, Owner of the Mighty Throne, The One who does as He pleases, I beseech You by Your Might that is undisputable, Your Reign that is undeniable and by Your light that fills all sides of Your Throne to spare me from the evil of this thief. O ’ Muglth aid me! O Mugīth aid me [three times].’
At which point, a horseman approached with a spear in his hand that he had rested in between the ears of his horse aimed at the thief. When the thief saw him, he turned towards him, but was struck by the spear and died.
Then the horseman turned towards him and said, “Get up.” So he enquired ‘Who are you, may my mother and father be sacrificed for you? Allah has relieved me today through you.’
The man replied, “I am an angel from the fourth heaven, you made your first supplication and I heard a noise at the gates of the heavens, then you made your second supplication and I heard a noise from the occupants of the heavens, then you made your third supplication, and it was said to me: ‘This is the supplication of one in distress.’ So I asked Allah to assign me this task.’”
Al-Hassan then said: “So whoever performs ablution, prays four units and supplicates with this invocation, he shall be responded to whether he is in distress or otherwise.”
Excerpt from “Al-Da’Wa al-Dawā”
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