“For whomever Allah wants good, he gives him understanding in the religion.”

– Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2645

For Every Illness, There Is a Cure

Absolute praise rightfully belongs to Allah alone.

It has been authenticated in the Sahih of al-Bukhari1 on the authority of Abū Hurairah who narrated from the Prophet who said: “Allah did not decree the descent of any illness, except that He revealed a remedy for it.”

And in the Sahih of Muslim2, on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah who said: The Messenger of Allah said: “For every illness there is a remedy, if the remedy matches the illness, he shall be cured by the permission of Allah.”

In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad3, on the authority of Usāmah bin Shurayk who narrated that the Prophet said: “Indeed, Allah never decreed an illness, except that He also decreed its cure. Those who know it, know so, and those who are ignorant of it, are ignorant of it.”

In another wording4 it states: “Allah has not placed any illness without its cure or remedy, except one illness.” They asked: “O’ Messenger of Allah, what is it?” He replied, “Old age.”

At-Tirmidhi graded this narration as authentic. This is comprehensive of the illnesses of the heart, soul and body along with their remedies.

Adapted from Al-Da’Wa al-Dawā by Imām ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawyziyyah.


  1. Book of Medicine [5678].
  2. Book of Salutations and greetings [2204]
  3. 4/278 [18456]
  4. Collected by At-Tirmidhi [2038]. Abū Dawūd [2015]. Ibn Majah [3436]. Ahmad [18454]. At-Tabarānī [1/179-184]






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